Short Description
Donjoy's Easy-On Arm Sling provides basic immobilization for shoulder and arm injuries. Cotton material for all-day comfort. Wide shoulder strap design for less stress.
The Donjoy Easy-On Arm Sling provides comfort with a breathable design that comes in four sizes for a great fit. Sure it's lacking the styling found in other more advanced products, but it's got a basic timeless design that works. It's finished off on the edges to last when used with casts. The Donjoy Easy-On Arm Sling has a wide shoulder strap for added comfort and an easy D ring loop in the front for adjusting its height. It doesn't get much simpler than that. Use it to treat everything from shoulder injuries to holding casts for broken arms. It's made out of breathable cotton and provides effective immobilization at an affordable price.
Donjoy Easy-On Arm Sling Features:
- Durable cotton with open front.
- 1 1/2" wide shoulder strap for patient comfort
- Easy to use D ring for strap adjustments.
- its both right and left sides.
- Four sizes to fit everyone - see sizing chart tab.
Available Colors: Navy
Recommended Manufacturer HCPC: A4565.
The Donjoy Easy-On Arm Sling may be used to treat:
- Acute shoulder and arm injuries.
- Support for arm casts.